New Year,
New Goals.

This guide was designed to help you with the goal setting process, get deeply connected to your desires, and practice visualization. This year, get to your goals with more ease instead of just having to hustle, grind and work hard to force your way to achieving them.

2023 Goals Guide

This guide will help you get aligned with your true self to live your best year yet!

Just put in your email address below, and you'll automatically receive the guide right in your inbox!

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    Sarah Martin

    Fitness & Wellness Coach

    SarahtWellness, LLC

    Who am I?

    My name is Sarah and I want to help YOU gain that self-confidence you need to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle pain-free and doing what you love. I am here for support & accountability whether it is with your fitness goals, improving your mental health, or just need a friend :)
    I got you!

    What is included?

    • Reflection on your true self with journal prompts
    • Manifestation steps to reach your desires
    • 3 Goal Setting Sheets to give you clarity